Parent Education: Professional Development & Employment for Parents
Often the stress and strain of day-to-day living makes it difficult for families to prioritize the education of their pre-school child.
Concerns over food insecurity, lack of appropriate housing and inadequate resources to meet even the most basic needs for survival, leaves little time and energy for parents and caretakers to focus on their child’s education.
Our goal is to educate and prepare children to be successful learners, while ensuring that their families have the support necessary to actively participate in their child’s cognitive growth and development.
Parent Education Program
Nutrition and Early Childhood Education Training
To address this need, Head Start provides information and referrals for families connecting them with a variety of support services, including but not limited to housing, energy assistance, literacy, domestic violence, alcohol and substance abuse, child development, career development, household budgeting, mental health counseling and health services. In addition, family members have the opportunity to volunteer in the program and receive training in the fields of nutrition and early childhood education.
Post-training Employment in the Program
Parents successfully completing the training may be eligible for employment within the program.
Individuals interested in a career in food service can get training onsite and the program can pay for the Allegheny County Food Service Certification test, required for employment in the food services industry. For parents and caretakers interested in working in the field of early childhood education, the program offers individuals the ability to get hands-on training in the classrooms, and has a professional development program available to pay tuition, books and fees for related college coursework for parents working in the program.
Participate in the Head Start Policy Council
Family members of children enrolled in our program also have the opportunity to be actively involved in program decision making by participating in our Head Start Policy Council.
This parent group works with the COTRAIC Board of Directors to monitor and oversee program operations, including budgets, curriculum, hiring and recruitment. Participation on Policy Council provides family members with a chance to actively participate in program planning and provides valuable experience in how non-profit community based organizations operate.
Participate in the Health Advisory Group
Parents are also welcome to be a part of the program’s Health Advisory group.
Members of the Health Advisory include other community service providers such as: doctors, nurses and representatives from the public health department.
The role of the Health Advisory is to offer guidance and information to the program staff which is used in developing and implementing program health policies. Topics covered during the Health advisory meetings may include identifying medical and dental resources for children, lead screening, immunizations and well child care as well as how to address more serious issues such as protocols and mitigation plans related to the COVID pandemic.
If you are interested in enrolling your child and participating in our parent involvement program, please contact 412-488-2750.