Upcoming Events

45th Annual Pow Wow
Native American Singing, Drumming, Dancing, Arts, Crafts, Native Foods
No drugs or alcohol or pets permitted
Feature: Competition Dancing
$$$ Prize Money Over 10,000.00 $$$
Native American Vendors and Dancers
For more information, call or e-mail:
Mike Simms 412-292-7683 msimms606@gmail.com or Russ Simms rsimms3671@msn.com

First Day of School!!!
The countdown to the first day of school begins! We are so excited to see everyone on Tuesday (August 27) at 8am!!!

COTRAIC Harvest Feast
Please join us as we celebrate the harvest season with our community. This will be a potluck event, with the Council providing turkey and fry bread. Please RSVP by Saturday November 18th, 2023 to provide our families with advance notice to ensure enough food. Please contact Chanel, Krisa and/or Mike with your food contribution.
Thank you.

Community Day - July 22, 2023
Bring your projects and regalia designs! If you are looking to learn the dances or start your regalia, the July Community is the time to come ready to “put needle to thread” 😊 please let us know if you need a project supply list or if you have any questions!

COTRAIC Family Holiday Party
COTRAIC’s 1st Annual Community Days Holiday Event
Each month our volunteers hold a Community Day to come together as a Native Community living in an Urban/ City world. These events are geared towards Council of Three Rivers American Indian Center members, however public that would like to be involved and learn in our Culture are welcome.
We are planning crafts and activities for Children.
To ensure we can provide for everyone: Please RSVP for this event by Friday, Dec. 9th, 2022. An accurate tally of all the attending families with children 12 years and younger is needed for the Council to order enough pizza.

Council of Three Rivers 43rd Annual Pow Wow
September 24th 12pm-9pm
September 25th 12pm-7pm

Parent Advisory Council - Greater Hazelwood Family Center
Greater Hazelwood Family Center parents-
Come connect with parents and staff. Learn what’s new, share ideas, collaborate on programming.
Meeting will be held via ZOOM!

CDL Class
Free to those who live in the 15207 zip code
Interested? Contact June Saunders at JSaunders@cotraic.org or call 412-488-2750

CDL Class
Free to those who live in the 15207 zip code
Interested? Contact June Saunders at JSaunders@cotraic.org or call 412-488-2750

Science Center Parent Workshop
Come Join us for a parent workshop with the Science Center!
Ask the family center to send the Zoom link!

Family Cooking Class (Virtual) Greater Hazelwood Family Center
Join The Greater Hazelwood Family Center virtually to learn how to make some delicious food!

CDL Class
Free to those who live in the 15207 zip code
Interested? Contact June Saunders at JSaunders@cotraic.org or call 412-488-2750

CDL Class
Free to those who live in the 15207 zip code
Interested? Contact June Saunders at JSaunders@cotraic.org or call 412-488-2750

Line Dance Valentine’s Celebration
Join us for some dancing and chocolate covered treats!
Ask the Family Center for the zoom link!

CDL Class
Free to those who live in the 15207 zip code
Interested? Contact June Saunders at JSaunders@cotraic.org or call 412-488-2750

CDL Class
Free to those who live in the 15207 zip code
Interested? Contact June Saunders at JSaunders@cotraic.org or call 412-488-2750

Early Head Start Socialization Home-Based
Join Early Head Start with another fun socialization! We will have a play group, Storytime, and lunch will be provided! This socialization we will be taking EHS portrait photos of the children.
Ask your Home Visitor for more information. 412-431-4339

CDL Class
Free to those who live in the 15207 zip code
Interested? Contact June Saunders at JSaunders@cotraic.org or call 412-488-2750

CDL Class
Free to those who live in the 15207 zip code
Interested? Contact June Saunders at JSaunders@cotraic.org or call 412-488-2750

Early Head Start Socialization Home- Based
Join Early Head Start with another fun socialization! We will have a play group, Storytime, and lunch will be provided! This socialization we will be taking EHS portrait photos of the children.
Ask your Home Visitor for more information. 412-431-4339

CDL Class
Free to those who live in the 15207 zip code
Interested? Contact June Saunders at JSaunders@cotraic.org or call 412-488-2750

CDL Class
Free to those who live in the 15207 zip code
Interested? Contact June Saunders at JSaunders@cotraic.org or call 412-488-2750

Philadelphia Family Holiday Party
Philly Families!
Come Join COTRAIC during your scheduled group’s time for some Holiday fun!
West Group: 11am-11:40am
Harrowgate Group: 11:45am-12:30pm
Allegheny Group: 12:50pm- 1:25pm
Broad Street Group: 1:30pm- 2:10pm

CDL Class
Free to those who live in the 15207 zip code
Interested? Contact June Saunders at JSaunders@cotraic.org or call 412-488-2750

Head Start/PreK Parent Teacher Conferences
Communication between home and school is important to provide an effective instructional environment for our children. We look forward to your insights regarding your child’s education and input about the school year. Our teachers truly appreciate the support that you give your child in his/her education while at home.
Fall conferences will be held on Monday, November 22 and Tuesday, November 23. Teachers will send out information on scheduling appointments.

Community Voices Greater Hazelwood Family Center
Greater Hazelwood Family Center parents-
Come connect with parents from surrounding Allegheny county family centers. Learn what’s new, share ideas, collaborate on programming.