Early Head Start
Child Care Center Partnerships
The goal of the partnerships has been to create high quality, seamless services for children and their families. By collaborating with child care providers, the needs of enrolled families requiring full day services are met. In addition, the overall quality of the child care is enhanced by sharing local resources, training, and knowledge.
Partner Responsibilities
In collaboration with Early Head Start, Partners are responsible for:
Must follow Early Head Start teacher/child ratio of 1:4 for the entire day.
Food Program
Centers must participate in the CACFP program.
Weekly Attendance to Liaisons and Family Support
Insurance Accord, with COTRAIC named as an additional insured
Certificate of Compliance
Update Child Care Liaisons of New Hires
Clearance credentials for Early Head Start Teachers & Floaters must be shared
Teachers & Floaters in Early Head Start Classrooms will work with Trying Together / First Up Coaches to obtain minimum of a CDA.
ASQs - due within 45 days of start and every 6 months afterwards
ASQ-3 (developmental)
ASQ: SE-2 (social - emotional)
Ounce Scale/Teaching Strategies Gold - observation notes are completed monthly
Developmental summaries at various stages along with parent teacher conferences
Health and Safety Screening
Well-child visit paperwork and immunization records
Staff must:
Participate in monthly compliance meetings
Collaborate with outside agencies to improve child readiness outcomes:
Teachers will work with Trying Together Coaches to improve classroom practices
Teachers/Directors will work with Healthy Child for developmental and behavioral concerns for children, families, and teachers
Advantages to an Early Head Start Partnership
Enhance classroom furnishings and supplies to meet federal regulations
When funds allow, enhance outdoor play space to meet federal regulations
Overlay of funds to enrich child care program operations
Professional Development Opportunities
Diapers and wipes are provided for enrolled children
Early Head Start Roles: Who you will be working with
Child Care Liaisons
Child Care Liaisons help program directors stay in compliance with our Early Head Start standards and also assist teachers with our curriculum. They visit classrooms to monitor on-going safety and wellness, and ensure monthly paperwork for centers is complete to help track our kiddos, making sure they are on the right path. They provide activities and suggestions to help children succeed.
Family Support Specialist
The Family Support Specialist’s job is meeting with families once a month to both create goals together (financial, educational, etc.) and help achieve them. They work with parents and guardians to find additional outside resources and can help make referrals, providing extra support in helping our children grow.
Health Coordinator & Specialist
For all Early Head Start children, the Health Coordinator and Health Specialist ensure the tracking of health care information. They visit classrooms to perform vision and hearing screenings, and provide assistance with health issues which may arise in child care centers.
ERSEA staff helps prepare applications to join our Early Head Start Program. They keep track of attendance for the child care centers, which ultimately helps them get needed funding.
Healthy Child
Healthy Child supports child care centers and families, providing developmental, behavioral, and mental health support to children and facilitating consultation, intervention, and mentoring/education for teachers, caregivers, parents, and administrators.
Trying Together
Trying Together supports teachers with professional growth opportunities such as CDAs. Coaches help teachers build their toolbox to deal with issues like challenging behaviors.
Contact Us
If you are interested in becoming a partner with Early Head Start please contact Debbie Gallagher at
Ph: 412-904-4951
Email: dgallagher@cotraic.org